Army Student Internship Program (SIP)
The Student Internship Program (SIP) exposes current students to the Army Civilian Corps and career opportunities with emphasis on STEM and mission critical occupations. Upon meeting graduation requirements, the program provides an opportunity for participants to be non-competitively converted into permanent full-time employment in the Army.
For more information:; -
Army Fellows Program
AFP is a planned development through a blending of progressive and sequential work assignments, formal training, and self-development as individuals’ progress from entry-level positions to more advanced key positions within the workforce. The end result of the training is an Army Civilian professional with the requisite skills, abilities, and competencies eligible for permanent placement across Army.
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China Lake Apprentice Program
The China Lake Apprentice Program is a three year education program designed to guide students to become skilled in technician and wage grade positions. The program comprises of a three year distance learning requirement and a DOL approved OJT program. -
Cyber Scholarship Program
Provides scholarships to students in pursuit of cyber-related degree at National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C). -
Cyber Scholarship for Service
Provides scholarships to students in cyber-security in exchange for Federal service upon graduation. -
DoD STEM Opportunities
Explore a multitude of internship, fellowship, educational and competition opportunities in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math.
For more information:
DoD STEM Opportunities -
Innovative Student Internship Program (ISIP)
10 week Summer internship program at the DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center (CBC) located at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Undergraduate students are paired with a mentor to conduct science or engineering research in areas of interest to CBC.
For more information:
Innovative Student Internship Program (ISIP) -
Commissary Management Specialist (CMS) Intern Program
The CMS-Intern (Management Trainee) is a two-year entry-level GS-5 training program where candidates will PCS from their current duty station to a training location and train in all departments throughout the store (with the department Manager or whomever has oversight). Upon successful completion of the program the CMS Intern will PCS to a duty station as a GS-9 Manager (position may vary due to Agency’s need.
Field of Study:Leadership/Management Training
Application Time Period/Cycle:2-4 times per year
Eligibility Requirements:Current employees of the DoD Commissary and recent graduates.
How to Apply:Positions are advertised on USA Jobs.
For more information: -
Military Academy Internship (MAI) Program
The MDA Military Academy Internship Program (MAI), established in 2016, provides military interns (Air Force, Naval Academy, West Pint) the opportunity to develop new technical skills and affords the opportunity to work with Department of Defense (DoD) world class professionals.
For more information:
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Produce Intern Program
The CMS-Produce Internship is a one-year entry level GS-5 training program where candidates will PCS from their current duty station to a training location and train with a Produce Manager (or whomever has oversight of the department). Upon successful completion of the program the CMS Produce Intern will PCS to a duty station as a GS-7 Produce Manager.
Field of Study:Leadership/Management Training
Application Time Period/Cycle:2-4 times per year
Eligibility Requirements:Current employees of the DoD Commissary and recent graduates.
How to Apply:Positions are advertised on USA Jobs.
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Intelligence Student Opportunities
The IC offers students a wide variety of excellent programs to get a jumpstart on a career in intelligence. Learn More -
Scholarships for Military Children
The Scholarships for Military Children Program was created to recognize the contributions of military families to the readiness of the fighting. Learn More -
Centralized Enterprise Civilian Talent Management Program (Emerging Leaders Fellows Program)
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Connects the most talented college students, recent graduates, postdocs, and faculty to STEM internship and fellowship programs. Learn More -
Enterprise Leadership Program
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Professional Development Center (PDC) Program
DARPA Innovation Fellowship
DARPA seeks new talent to make pivotal investments in breakthrough technologies for national security. The DARPA Innovation Fellowship is a two-year position at DARPA for early career scientists and engineers. The fellows will develop and manage a portfolio of high-impact, exploratory efforts to identify breakthrough technologies for the Department of Defense. Fellows will push the limits of existing technology through the rapid exploration of a high volume of promising new ideas focused on answering high risk/high reward "what if?" questions and assessing the impact of further investment. Learn More -
Pathways Internship Program
Current students from high school to graduate level are offered paid opportunities to work in agencies and explore Federal careers while still in school. Learn More -
Naval Research Enterprise Intern Program (NREIP)
Opportunity for students to participate in research at a Department of Navy (DON) laboratory during the summer. Learn More -
David L. Boren Scholarships
NSEP awards Boren Scholarships and Fellowships to America's future leaders - undergraduate and graduate students committed to long-term, overseas immersive language programs. Learn More -
Student STEM Employment Program (SSEP)
Become a part of the pipeline for the future workforce in the Student STEM Employment Opportunities for BS, MS, and PhD students. Learn More -
DoD Cyber (Information Assurance) Scholarship Program
Provides scholarships to students in pursuit of cyber-related degree at National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C). Learn More -
Volunteer Student Internship (VSI) Program
Opportunity to obtain unpaid work experience in different career fields. Learn More -
Presidential Management Fellows
The Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program is the Federal Government’s premier leadership development program for advanced degree candidates. This program is for individuals who have received a qualifying advanced degree within the preceding two years or will receive their degree by August 31 of the academic year in which applications for the fellowship are accepted. Learn More -
Extended Term Training (ETT)
Palace Acquire
Premier College Intern Program (PCIP)
Internships providing hands-on experience with cutting edge projects/technologies with the Air Force. Learn More -
Workforce Recruitment Program
A recruitment and referral program for College Students with Disabilities through summer or permanent jobs. Explore the many different opportunities open to students.
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Air Force Research Lab Scholars Program
Offers stipend-paid summer internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate level university students pursuing STEM degrees, as well as upper-level high school students; select locations also offer internships to university students pursuing education-related degrees and K-12 professional educators. The selected interns gain valuable hands-on experiences working with full-time AFRL scientists and engineers on cutting-edge research and technology and are able to contribute to unique, research-based projects. Learn More -
John S. McCain Strategic Defense Fellows Program
High performing and talented individuals with advanced degrees have an opportunity to gain experience and develop their leadership skills. Learn More -
National Security Education Program (NSEP)
NSEP initiatives represent an incredible opportunity to realize your goals. Learn More -
Shipyards Apprentice Program
This four-year program features paid academic and trade training, and on-the-job training. Graduates receive journey worker certificates from both the Department of Labor and Department of the Navy, and receive college credit towards an associate's degree. Learn More -
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Post Doctoral Program
Fellows are competitively selected on the basis of their overall qualifications and technical proposals addressing specific areas. Learn More -
AEOP Fellowship Program
Research Opportunities for Post-bacc, gradu students, or post-doctoral students. Learn More -
Leadership Development Programs
Leadership Education and Development (LEAD)
New Leader Program (NLP)
Pathways to Career Excellence (PaCE) Program
Keystone Program
The Keystone Program is a 3-year (36 months) entry-level developmental program. The program is comprised of a combination of formal classroom training, computer based training (CBT), on-the-job training (OJT) at the assigned duty station, and rotational assignments. Training requirements are developed by agency subject matter experts based on full-performance level requirements for each acquisition series. Learn More -
Fleet Readiness Center South West (FRCSW) Apprenticeship Program
Provides on the job training combined with related instruction to develop highly skilled, Department of the Navy-oriented, U.S. Department of Labor certified Journeyworkers. Learn More -
Near-peer Mentor Program, Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS)
Near-Peer Mentors (NPMs) are high school and college students enrolled in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) or education based field. NPMs work directly with USAMRDC scientists and engineers to learn STEM focused curriculum and educate students in grades 4-12 in a week-long summer camp environment. Students perform hands-on activities under the instruction of the NPMs. NPMs are provided training prior to the start of the program for students. Learn More -
Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship
A 5-year basic research fellowship for faculty to support new and innovative ideas. Learn More -
LEGACY (Leadership Experience Growing Apprenticeships Committed to Youth): Junior Apprentice
The LEGACY program is three phases designed for students to learn more about STEM and grow their interest in STEM opportunities. Learn More -
AEOP High School Apprenticeship Program
Summer Internship Program for High School students. Learn More -
LEGACY (Leadership Experience Growing Apprenticeships Committed to Youth): Apprentice
The LEGACY program is three phases designed for students to learn more about STEM and grow their interest in STEM opportunities. Learn More -
U.S. Army Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment Activity (USATA) Calibration Apprentice Program
Development of apprentice into a career as a calibration technician.
Field of Study: Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment Calibration
Application Time Period/Cycle: Approximately 4 months in-house training, followed by 18 months of on-the-job training.
Eligibility Requirements: None, open to public.
How to Apply: Applicants will submit through USA Jobs
For More Information: Gary Davenport: -
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG)
NDSEG Fellowships are designed to encourage baccalaureate recipients to enter graduate school and ultimately gain doctorates in STEM. Learn More -
AEOP Undergraduate Apprenticeship Program
Summer Internship Program for Undergraduate students. Learn More -
DoD College Acquisition Internship Program (DCAIP)
The DoD College Acquisition Internship Program (DCAIP) is an opportunity for Army acquisition organizations to hire eligible college students for a 10-week paid summer internship. Upon a student’s successful completion of the internship, the organization may noncompetitively convert the individual to a permanent position in the acquisition workforce through existing hiring authorities. Learn More -
NAWCWD Cyber Security Internship
Opportunity for students to participate in research at a Department of Navy (DON) laboratory during the summer. Learn More -
NRC Research Associateship Program
Provides postdoctoral and senior scientists and engineers of unusual promise and ability opportunities for research on problems, largely of their own choice, that are compatible with the interests of the sponsoring laboratories. Learn More -
Recent Graduates
Take advantage of a dynamic, career development program featuring training and mentorship designed for recent graduates from qualifying educational institutions or programs. Learn More